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Fortel Nijjer – Walsall Economic Board – Membership

Sat Nijjer joined the family-owned business as operations director in 2005 after graduating with a BSc in Information Technology and a career in Investment Banking with the US bond brokerage, Bear Stearns.

After seven years being a major shareholder in Fortel, he became chief executive in 2012, the second generation of the family to lead the company, which is now forecast to grow to in excess of £100M in annual revenues.

Sat is also an Alumni Member of The Sunday Times Fast Track 100, Vice-Chairman of the Asian Sports Foundation and is heavily involved in the economic development of Walsall Borough through a founding seat at the Walsall Economic Board.

Sat, representing Construction and Recruitment industries on the Walsall Economic Board said: “Being part of the board means I can ensure we deliver the vision of an integrated public-private partnership in Walsall, helping deliver sustainable improvements to people of the Borough.”